You are not alone.

Living with type 1 can feel lonely and overwhelming. Dr. Jody has felt just like you have too. Learning her strategies for reducing stress, depression, anxiety, and sleep issues will give you simple tools for staying positive. This course will greatly lift your spirits and remind you why you are a H.E.R.O.

Invest in Your Health

What You Will Learn

Here's the list of the valuable videos and handouts you will receive access to:

  • 1

    Have Compassion

    • Have Compassion, There is NO Perfection in Diabetes Management!
    • Dr. Jody's Story
  • 2

    Why You Are a HERO

    • Why You Are A HERO
    • Why You Are a H.E.R.O.
  • 3

    Toolkit for Staying Positive

    • Toolkit for Staying Positive
    • Follow Up Options Resources
    • What's Next?